Student organizations

As a physics student you are strongly encouraged to join the Society of Physics Students. As an S&T student you are welcome to join any one of a number of design teams on campus or choose from over 200 student clubs and organizations.
A student advisory council advises the department chair about issues concerning undergraduates in the physics department. Current members are: Elias Hyatt, David Cleary, Luke Twitty, Connor Coolbaugh, and Joshua Santy.


Society of Physics Students

SPS is a professional society that works to benefit its members through professional development, collegiate preparation, networking and educating about physics. It contains the S&T chapter of the national physics honor society, Sigma Pi Sigma, which recognizes outstanding students in physics. Election into Sigma Pi Sigma confers a lifetime membership.

Women in Physics

WiP@MST is a new Registered Student Organization aiming to encourage more women to pursue a career in physics. It is supported by a grant from the American Physical Society (APS). Persons of any gender are welcome to join. The current president is Dishari Malakar. Contact

Design Teams

Whether competing with racecars or rockets, concrete canoes or robots, on a student design team you'll learn the organizational problem-solving process essential for the successful development of a market-ready product.