Open slide 1 link Dr. Cavaglia in his office, working on the computer
Astrophysicist Dr. Marco Cavaglia researches gravitational waves and is the head of the S&T LIGO group.
Open slide 2 link A professor working ina  glove box
Dr. Halyna Hodovanets is an experimental condensed matter physicist working on the discovery of new quantum materials.
Open slide 3 link Dr. Kim in the ultra-low temperature lab
Dr. Hyunsoo Kim is an experimental condensed matter physicist and runs the ultra-low temperature lab.
Open slide 4 link Two persons working in the red glow of the laser lab
Dr. Daniel Fischer studies the ionization of laser-cooled lithium atoms.
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Dr. Julia Medvedeva is a condensed matter theorist and senior investigator at the Materials Research Center.
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Physics department chair Dr. Thomas Vojta is a computational condensed matter theorist specializing in quantum phenomena at low temperatures and biophysics.
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Dr. Yew San Hor is a condensed matter experimentalist who grows new quantum materials and studies their properties.
Open slide 8 link A professor writing a formula on the board
Dr. Ulrich Jentschura is the author of a book on Quantum Electrodynamics.

Why Study Physics?

Physics is the most fundamental of sciences and lies at the foundation of nearly all technical fields. All objects, from the smallest elementary particle to the universe itself, obey the laws of physics. As a physics student, you will learn how to design and run experiments, develop theories and simulate nature on computers. You will have the opportunity to work on a research project under faculty guidance. A physics degree will provide you with critical thinking, problem-solving and programming skills that are valued in a variety of careers.

We offer an undergraduate BS degree in physics as well as graduate MS and PhD degrees:

Our Research

Meissner effect demonstration with a floating superconductor

Our department has strong research programs in:

We are uniquely positioned within the University of Missouri System and the entire state. Our AMO physics program is the only such program in the University of Missouri System. Our astrophysics program houses the only LIGO (gravitational wave) research group in the state. The department is heavily involved in interdisciplinary activities, in particular in materials research and high-performance computing.

Find our more in our annual department newsletter.


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